Recent Insights

Cutting through the noise
Cutting through the noise
The overwhelming majority of respondents see a multiplicity of opportunities in a variety of sectors and regions. However, our survey reveals that the ‘noise’ around some investment locations may be just that—noise
Sector watch
Sector watch
While investors are looking at a variety of sectors in the region, our survey reveals that roads are the top priority, while both conventional and renewable energy are still very much on the radar
Risky business
Risky business
The rewards for infrastructure investors in APAC can be lucrative, but the region is not without its risks—particularly political ones
Fundraising: Public and private
Fundraising: Public and private
There has been a growth in the number of funds targeting the APAC infrastructure market as investors seek out greater returns. Meanwhile, public-private partnerships are likely to increase if they can overcome several systemic barriers
The outlook for Asia-Pacific infrastructure
The outlook for Asia-Pacific infrastructure
Risks may persist around infrastructure investment in APAC, but the overall outlook is very positive
infrastructure Asia Pacific
Cutting through the noise: Infrastructure in Asia-Pacific 2019
From rural farmlands to modern megacities, the complex and diverse Asia-Pacific infrastructure sector continues to attract international investment. Our survey shows investors are very positive about future opportunities and analyses the countries and sectors attracting this optimism
Africa Focus: Spring 2019
Easing challenges, seizing opportunities
Europe reaches for a new normal on NPLs
Europe reaches for a new normal on NPLs
Will recent regulatory developments have their desired impact on the NPL market across Europe?
Virtuous cycle: Creativity and innovation in infrastructure finance
Regional differences and market maturities are forging a dynamic finance landscape with ever-more resourceful and innovative methods of meeting the global infrastructure funding challenge.