Recent Insights

The outlook for Asia-Pacific infrastructure
The outlook for Asia-Pacific infrastructure
Risks may persist around infrastructure investment in APAC, but the overall outlook is very positive
infrastructure Asia Pacific
Cutting through the noise: Infrastructure in Asia-Pacific 2019
From rural farmlands to modern megacities, the complex and diverse Asia-Pacific infrastructure sector continues to attract international investment. Our survey shows investors are very positive about future opportunities and analyses the countries and sectors attracting this optimism
Africa Focus: Spring 2019
Easing challenges, seizing opportunities
Europe reaches for a new normal on NPLs
Europe reaches for a new normal on NPLs
Will recent regulatory developments have their desired impact on the NPL market across Europe?
Virtuous cycle: Creativity and innovation in infrastructure finance
Regional differences and market maturities are forging a dynamic finance landscape with ever-more resourceful and innovative methods of meeting the global infrastructure funding challenge.