Dr. Petra Karin Kistner

Local Partner, Düsseldorf



Petra Karin Kistner is a local partner in our M&A/Corporate practice group in Dusseldorf, Germany with a focus on transactions as well as energy and regulatory law. She advises clients on all energy law related matters and represents them in front of European and national courts, the EU Commission, National Regulatory Authorities as well as ACER. She regularly advises clients on energy, infrastructure and industry related M&A transactions and projects.

Prior to joining White & Case Petra worked for a scientific research institute as a research fellow in the field of energy law and gained work experience in different international law firms during her legal clerkship in Frankfurt.

Bars and Courts
Dr. rer. pol
Technical University of Kaiserslautern
Second State Exam
Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt
First State Exam
Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg
Academic Year 2009/2010 at the Faculty of Law
National University of Singapore


Advised Mercedes-Benz on the cooperation agreement for its strategic partnership with energy company E.ON for the establishment and operation of the new Europe-wide Mercedes-Benz charging network, which enables fast, safe and environmentally friendly charging of electric vehicles.

Advised EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG (EnBW) on the sale of its second minority shareholding of 24.95% in the transmission system operator TransnetBW GmbH (TransnetBW) to KfW.

Advised EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG on the sale of a 24.95 percent minority shareholding in transmission system operator TransnetBW GmbH(TransnetBW) to Südwest Konsortium Holding GmbH.

Advised Fluxys SA on the acquisition of a minority stake of about 25% in Open Grid Europe from Macquarie.

Advised TransnetBW GmbH before the ACER Board of Appeal against ACER's decision regarding cost sharing method for redispatching and countertrading and respective application for annulment in front of the European General Court.

Advised the German/Swedish interconnector Baltic Cable AB on its structuring in accordance with the German and European legal framework for regulated network operators, including cross jurisdictional advice on capacity allocation methodologies, including advice in front of the EU Commission, ACER and the Swedish and German National Regulatory Authorities.

Advised an international energy company in connection with the generation, use and grid feed-in of "green" hydrogen, in particular against the background of the statutory requirements under the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) by the German Pollution Control Act (BlmSchG) and the German Energy Industry Act (EnWG).

Advised an international crude oil company on the implementation of sustainable fuel mandates under the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, the RED II and the RED III.

Representation of institutional investors advised by the Global Infrastructure group at J.P. Morgan Asset Management, on its acquisition of GETEC, one of Europe's leading sustainable energy service companies for real estate and industrial customers (including related acquisition financing at both senior and junior levels).

Advised EWE AG, one of Germany's largest municipal enterprises, on the establishment of a joint venture with the Aloys Wobben Stiftung, major shareholder of the wind turbine manufacturer ENERCON, for the operation, planning and development of wind farms. This includes the transfer of all major wind farms and pipeline projects owned by both joint venture partners to the joint venture with the goal to become one of the leading green energy providers in Germany and France with a total investment volume of EUR 4 billion by 2030.


Co-author, "Hydrogen and Decarbonised Gas Market Package", RdE 2024, p. 296-307 (with Thomas Burmeister, Karen Sievert)

Energy law for start ups: Challenge or opportunity? – An Interview with Dr. Petra Karin Kistner (Energierecht für Start-ups: Herausforderung oder Chance? – Ein Interview mit Dr. Petra Karin Kistner), 2023, DENA - SET Magazin Vol. 3

Completion of the EU Internal Electricity Market: A Moving Target? ICER Chronicle, Edition 10 Summer 2021, pages 27-29 (co-author with Paul Giesbertz)

Further Europeanisation of the network sector by the Clean Energy Package (Zur weiteren Europäisierung der Netzwirtschaft durch das Clean Energy Package), RdE 2021, pages 179-189 (co-author with Thomas Burmeister)

Co-author, "Regulation of Interconnectors – ECJ ruling of 11 March 2020 (Regulierung von Interkonnektoren – Erkenntnisse aus dem Baltic Cable-Urteil des EuGH vom 11.03.2020), ER EnergieRecht, Issue 6/2020, p. 231-237 (with Thomas Burmeister)

Giesbertz/Kistner/Steger, The legal and economic challenges for Single Interconnector Companies in the European electricity market – The Baltic Cable Case, SSRN 2019

The Decision of the European Commission regarding individual network tariffs causes confusion (Kommissionsentscheidung verursacht Wirrwarr um individuelle Netzentgelte), together with Dr. Peter Rosin, ET, Pages 76-80, 10/2018

The future of the energy sector between decentralization and internationality (Energiewirtschaft der Zukunft – zwischen Dezentralität und Internationalität), ET, Pages 94-95, 9/2018

The Importance of alternatives regarding the development of the transmission grid (Alternativenprüfungen im Netzausbaurecht), Kaiserslautern, 2018

The development of interconnections within the european transmission grid (Die Planung und Zulassung von Interkonnektoren und Stromleitungen mit grenzüberschreitenden Auswirkungen), ZUR, Pages 459-468, 2015

The SuperGrid-Concept in the light of the TEN-E-Regulation (Das Konzept des Supergrids im Lichte der Verordnung zu Leitlinien für die transeuropäische Energieinfrastruktur (TEN-E-VO – Europa auf dem Weg zum SuperGrid?)), EnWZ, Pages 405-410, 2014