Idaho Power Company (IPCO), Docket No. NP13-8-000, November 30, 2012
Reliability Standard: TOP-007-WECC-1
Requirement: R2
Violation Risk Factor: Lower
Violation Severity Level: Lower
Region: WECC
Issue: IPCO, as a TOP, self-reported a violation of R2 to WECC because IPCO had allowed the Net Schedule power flow on one of the lines of the Idaho-Northwest path, for which the TOP monitors limits, to exceed the line's system operating limit when implementing a real-time schedule for a particular hour of service. Although IPCO had approved curtailment tags to address a scheduled power flow that exceeded the line's system operating limit, the integrated scheduled power flows on the line after curtailment was still 11 MW over the limit.
Finding: WECC determined that the R2 violation posed a minimal risk to the reliability of the BPS because IPCO operators monitored the path limits and made attempts to verify the over-schedule with the neighboring TOP, without success. Furthermore, the affected line was one of three lines that make up the Idaho-Northwest path, and the actual flow on the overall path was well under the operating limits of the major path. Finally, the power flow over the line at issue was over limit by only 11 MW. WECC and IPCO entered into a settlement agreement to resolve multiple violations, whereby IPCO agreed to pay a penalty and to undertake other mitigation measures to come into compliance with R2. WECC considered IPCO's ICP to be a mitigating factor in making its penalty determination. The violation occurred on July 3, 2011. IPCO agrees/stipulates to the R2 violation.
Penalty: $40,000 (aggregate for 4 violations)
FERC Order: Issued December 28, 2012 (no further review)