The authors thank HKA partners Haroon Niazi and Tom Kapapa for joining us on this podcast.
For further information, please visit the White & Case Coronavirus Resource Center.
White & Case partners, Ellis Baker and Michael Turrini held a discussion alongside HKA partners, Haroon Niazi and Tom Kapapa that discussed suspension and termination of construction contractions across the Middle East in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A number of projects in the region have come to a halt due to the pandemic and as a result parties to a contract find themselves in a difficult and unique situation, having to navigate around the challenges arising as a consequence. Interestingly, the panel discusses the option of employers, rather than a contractor, issuing force majeure notices as well as the impact of changing legislation. Some of the key points raised will be relevant to both employers and contractors as they continue to develop their respective strategies to manage the delivery risk arising as a result of COVID-19.
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