White & Case LLP hosted a webinar on 16 October, 2020, focusing on the changing face of retail and how the retail industry has been impacted by COVID-19.
Conversation at this webinar was focused around the growing issues facing leaders in the retail space and to understand current trends in the industry. The panel featured Liz Evans (CEO of Fat Face), Andrew Jennings (Non-Executive Director of Ted Baker), Matt Kelleher (Global Supply Chain & Technology Director of Morrisons) and John Ryan (Managing Director of Newstores and columnist at RetailWeek), who discussed the future of retail and how companies can prepare for the next retail revolution.
These have been disorienting times for retailers. Even aside from the financial impact of COVID-19, the retail industry has seen changing consumer habits and expectations. The next retail revolution is on the horizon, where we could see the end of the high street, a continued acceleration of e-commerce and a digital transformation of retail services. While it is impossible to predict what exactly the future of retail will look like, we can all agree that it will likely look very different from today.
Click here to request a copy of "The Future of Retail" recording.
See findings from the webinar presented in the graphic below.
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This article is prepared for the general information of interested persons. It is not, and does not attempt to be, comprehensive in nature. Due to the general nature of its content, it should not be regarded as legal advice.
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