Chapter 11: Obligations of processors – Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation
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Why does this topic matter to organisations?
Under the GDPR, the concept of a "processor" has not changed. Any entity that was a processor under the Directive likely continues to be a processor under the GDPR. However, whereas the Directive generally only imposed direct compliance obligations on controllers, the GDPR imposes direct compliance obligations on both controllers and processors, and both controllers and processors will face direct enforcement and serious penalties if they do not comply with the new EU data protection law.
What types of organisations are most affected?
The direct legal obligations imposed on processors under the GDPR are of obvious importance to organisations that act as processors. However, they are also important to organisations that act as controllers, and engage processors to process personal data on their behalf.
Under the GDPR, processors (e.g., many outsourced service providers) are likely to face significantly higher costs as a direct result of the increased compliance obligations, and those costs are likely to be passed on to customers. Furthermore, the negotiation of processing agreements is likely to become more complex, as processors become more careful about the terms of the agreement and the scope of the controller's instructions.
What should organisations do to comply?
Organisations that act as processors, or act as controllers that engage processors, should carefully review the requirements associated with appointing processors. In particular, they should review their existing data processing agreements and consider whether any amendments are required. Any new data processing agreements should be drafted in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR.
In addition, each organisation that acts as a processor should:
- identify the data processing activities for which it is a processor;
- ensure that it understands its responsibilities as a processor under the GDPR; and
- ensure that it has appropriate processes and templates in place for identifying, reviewing and (to the extent required) promptly reporting data breaches to the relevant controller.
Icons to convey information quickly
The following icons are used in the table, to clarify the impact of each change:
Issue | The Directive | The GDPR | Impact |
Definition of "processor" In general terms, a "processor" is any entity or individual (other than an employee of a controller) that processes personal data on the controller's behalf. |
Art.2(e) In summary, a "processor" was defined under the Directive as an entity that processes personal data on behalf of the controller. A full definition is set out in Chapter 5. |
In summary, a "processor" is an entity that processes personal data on behalf of the controller. A full definition is set out in Chapter 5. |
Appointment of processors Organisations that act as controllers commonly appoint service providers to process personal data on their behalf. EU data protection law permits this practice, but imposes certain requirements on organisations that wish to do so. |
Art.17(2)-(3) A controller that wished to appoint a processor was only permitted to engage processors that guaranteed compliance with national data protection laws based on the Directive. The controller was only permitted to engage the processor under a binding written agreement, which states that the processor:
A controller that wishes to appoint a processor must only use processors that guarantee compliance with the GDPR. The controller must appoint the processor in the form of a binding written agreement, which states that the processor must:
Application EU data protection law applies across all sectors to all organisations that are subject to the law. Whereas the Directive generally only imposes direct legal compliance obligations on controllers, the GDPR imposes direct legal compliance obligations on processors as well. |
Art.4(1) Each Member State was required to implement national data protection laws imposing direct legal compliance obligations on controllers that fell within the scope of the Directive (as implemented in the national law of the relevant Member State). |
The GDPR applies to the processing of personal data by a controller or a processor that falls within the scope of the GDPR (regardless of whether the relevant processing takes place in the EU or not). |
Conflicts between the controller's instructions and applicable (EU) law The defining feature of a processor is that a processor acts in accordance with the controller's instructions. However, a processor might face conflicting requirements between the controller's instructions and applicable law, which leads to obvious difficulties. |
N/A The Directive did not specifically address scenarios in which a processor could not comply with the controller's instructions for legal reasons. |
In the event that a processor believes that the controller's instructions conflict with the requirements of the GDPR or other EU or Member State laws, the processor must immediately inform the controller. |
Appointment of sub-processors Processors may only appoint sub-processors with the permission of the controller. |
Art.16 Sub-processors were only permitted to process personal data in accordance with the instructions of the controller or the requirements of applicable law. However, the Directive did not provide clear rules for the appointment of sub-processors. |
The processor must not appoint a sub-processor without the prior written consent of the controller. Where the controller agrees to the appointment of sub-processors, those sub-processors must be appointed on the same terms as are set out in the contract between the controller and the processor, and in any case in accordance with Art.28(1)-(2) (see above). |
Processor's obligation of confidentiality Processors must ensure that the personal data that they process are kept confidential. |
Art.16 Processors were required to keep personal data confidential except on instructions from the controller, unless the processor was required by law to process those data. |
The processor must ensure that any personal data that it processes are kept confidential. The contract between the controller and the processor must require the processor to ensure that all persons authorised to process the personal data are under an appropriate obligation of confidentiality. |
Compliance with the controller's instructions The relationship between the controller and processor is based on the principle that the processor will only process data in accordance with the controller's instructions. |
Art.16 Processors were not permitted to process personal data, except in accordance with the instructions of the controller or the requirements of applicable law. |
Processors (and any sub-processors) shall not process personal data, except in accordance with the instructions of the controller, or the requirements of EU law or the national laws of Member States. |
Failure to comply with the controller's instructions It is foreseeable that a processor might depart from the controller's instructions and begin making decisions regarding the purposes for which and means by which personal data are processed. |
N/A The Directive did not specifically address the question of what happens when a processor departs from the controller's instructions. |
Where a processor, in breach of the GDPR, determines the purposes and means of any processing activity (i.e., if the processor makes its own decisions, rather than following the controller's instructions), that processor is treated as a controller in respect of that processing activity. |
Records of processing activities In order to ensure compliance, EU data protection law requires processors to ensure that they keep records of their data processing activities, and that the information in those records is provided to (or is available on request by) DPAs. |
N/A The Directive did not specifically require processors to maintain records of any kind. In almost all Member States (other than the Republic of Ireland) there was no obligation on processors to register with the DPA. |
Each processor (and its representative, if any) must keep records of its processing activities performed on behalf of the controller, including:
Cooperation with DPAs DPAs are responsible for implementing and regulating EU data protection law. |
N/A The Directive did not require processors to cooperate with DPAs. Instead, the national laws of Member States required controllers to cooperate with DPAs, and the Directive required processors to act on the instructions of those controllers (see above). |
Processors (and their representatives, if any) are required to cooperate, on request, with DPAs in the performance of their tasks. |
Data security EU data protection law obliges processors to ensure the security of personal data that they process. |
N/A The Directive required controllers to implement contracts that obliged processors to ensure the security of any personal data they process. However, the Directive did not impose any data security obligations directly on processors. |
Processors must implement appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access. Depending on the nature of the processing, these may include:
Adherence to an approved Code of Conduct (see Chapter 12) may provide evidence that the processor has met these obligations. |
Data breach reporting One of the key issues in maintaining the security of personal data is ensuring that the relevant decision-makers are aware of any data breaches and are able to react accordingly. |
N/A The Directive was silent on the issue of data breach reporting by processors. |
Processors must notify any data breach to the controller without undue delay. |
Obligation to appoint a DPO In certain circumstances, EU data protection law requires a person to be formally appointed to the role of DPO, in order to oversee an organisation's data protection compliance (see Chapter 12). |
N/A The Directive did not require processors to appoint DPOs. |
To the extent that the GDPR requires the appointment of a DPO (see Chapter 12), that requirement applies to processors. |
Restrictions on Cross-Border Data Transfers EU data protection law restricts Cross-Border Data Transfers unless the transfer is to an Adequate Jurisdiction, a lawful transfer mechanism exists, or an exemption or derogation applies (see Chapter 13). |
N/A The Directive did not directly address the issue of Cross-Border Data Transfers performed by processors (on the basis that the controller bears responsibility for the processor's actions, the processor could only act on the controller's instructions, and the controller is subject to the relevant restrictions). |
Under the GDPR, the obligations regarding Cross-Border Data Transfers (see Chapter 13) apply directly to processors. |
Liability of processors EU data protection law recognises the possibility that processors may be liable for breaches of their legal or contractual obligations. |
N/A Where a processor breached a contract with the controller, it may have had contractual liability to the controller. However, processors had no direct liability under the Directive, and data subjects could not bring claims directly against processors. |
Data subjects can bring claims directly against processors. However, a processor is liable for the damage caused by its processing activities only where it has:
Commentary: Processors and the law
Under the Directive, a processor's obligations and liabilities were governed almost exclusively by the processor's contract with the controller. The Directive only permitted claims by data subjects to be brought against processors in very limited circumstances.
The GDPR introduces a paradigm shift in the relationship between processors and EU data protection law. In particular, processors are subject to fines and penalties for breaches of the GDPR, which can be up to the greater of €20 million or four percent of annual worldwide turnover (see Chapter 16). In addition, data subjects may bring claims for compensation directly against processors. As a result, many organisations that act as processors will need to completely re-think their approach to data protection compliance.
Example: Data processing agreements
Q. Organisation A is a controller. It wishes to appoint a processor, Service Provider B, to process personal data on its behalf. Organisation A already has a standard data processing agreement that addresses the requirements under the Directive. How does Organisation A's standard processing agreement need to change in order to satisfy the requirements of the GDPR?
A. Many existing "pro-controller" processing agreements already contain some (or all) of the requirements specified in Art.28(3) of the GDPR. Organisation A will need to:
- review its standard data processing agreement and determine whether that agreement addresses all of the requirements specified in in Art.28(3) of the GDPR; and
- to the extent that the standard data processing agreement does not address all of those requirements, it will need to be amended.
Example: Changes to the controller's instructions
Q. Organisation X is a controller. It wishes to appoint a processor, Service Provider Y, to process personal data on its behalf. The data processing agreement states (in accordance with the GDPR) that Service Provider Y must process the relevant personal data in accordance with Organisation X's instructions. Service Provider Y objects to this language, on the grounds that Organisation X may change its instructions in a way that, while compliant with the law, costs Service Provider Y more money to implement. How should the parties address this issue?
A. This issue is a common point of disagreement between controllers and processors. In most cases, it can be addressed by including in the agreement provisions along the following lines:
- Service Provider Y shall only process the relevant personal data in accordance with Organisation X's instructions;
- to the extent that Service Provider Y cannot comply with a change to Organisation X's instructions without incurring material additional costs, Service Provider Y shall: (i) immediately inform Organisation X, giving full details of the problem; and (ii) cease all processing of the affected data (other than securely storing those data) until revised instructions are received; and
- any changes in Organisation X's instructions that affect the pricing structure or commercial relationship between the parties should go through an appropriate change control procedure.
Unlocking the EU General Data Protection Regulation:
A practical handbook on the EU's new data protection law
Chapter 2: Complying with the GDPR
Chapter 3: Subject matter and scope
Chapter 4: Territorial application
Chapter 6: Data Protection Principles
Chapter 7: Legal basis for processing
Chapter 9: Rights of data subjects
Chapter 10: Obligations of controllers
Chapter 11: Obligations of processors
Chapter 12: Impact Assessments, DPOs and Codes of Conduct
Chapter 13: Cross-Border Data Transfers
Chapter 14: Data Protection Authorities
Chapter 15: Cooperation and consistency
Chapter 16: Remedies and sanctions
Chapter 17: Issues subject to national law
Chapter 18: Relationships with other laws
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