Educating future leaders

Educating future leaders

Building legal capacity in countries around the world

Annually reaching more than 5,000 students, lawyers and judges worldwide, our legal education programs teach practical skills and cultivate interest in the rule of law.

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Building legal capacity in Bhutan

For more than a decade, White & Case has collaborated with the Kingdom of Bhutan to help build legal capacity as the country transitioned to a democracy—including establishing its first and only law school, Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law.

Read more about the Firm’s collaboration with Bhutan.

Unterstützung beim 2. Staatsexamen (Support for the 2nd state examination)

Training lawyers, judges and law students in developing countries

White & Case leads projects around the world to build legal capacity by training practitioners, government officials and judges in developing countries. Recent projects include arbitration training for women lawyers in Kenya, a reproductive rights curriculum to train judges in Africa and Asia-Pacific, and public-private partnership training in Ecuador. The Firm has also developed training for law students, such as business law and ethics workshops in Laos and programs in collaboration with the African Center on Law & Ethics.

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Providing scholarships and fellowships

White & Case offers a select number of scholarships and fellowships that allow law students to pursue public interest work and enable disadvantaged students to study business law.

Learn about our scholarships and fellowships.

Frühzeitiger Kontakt mit Mandanten (Early contact with clients)

Teaching future lawyers through moots

White & Case helps law students develop legal skills through its support of moot court competitions.



With more than 3,500 law students from nearly 100 countries participating annually, the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the world’s largest moot. The Firm has been the Global Partner of the Jessup since 2007 and sponsors the White & Case International Rounds as well as more than 14 national competitions around the world.


Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

The Firm is a longstanding supporter of the Willem Vis Arbitration Moot, a moot that fosters the study of international commercial law and arbitration while providing practical training to students for resolving business disputes. Our lawyers coach teams, organize pre-moots and host a colloquium for training.


law students from nearly 100 countries participate in the Jessup annually


students attended the 2023 White & Case Vis Moot Colloquium


students and lawyers trained in legal ethics through the African Center on Law & Ethics

Highlights of our legal education work

Our global legal education programs build legal capacity in different ways, from helping to establish Bhutan's first law school to supporting moot court competitions to training lawyers and judges in developing countries.

building columns
Unveiling the Future: Malawi's Commitment to Commercial Arbitration Excellence
A nighttime view of the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera) in Vienna, Austria. The Neo-Renaissance building is warmly lit, inside and out. Light from traffic appears as red and white streaks in the left foreground.
Training the next generation of international lawyers
The Firm expanded its Vis Moot training to students in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
Press Release
White & Case, The African Center on Law & Ethics at GIMPA Law School, Fordham Law School and Strathmore Law School Host Conference On Legal Ethics In Kenya

Photo by © @JSW Law
Law students studying at Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law, Bhutan.
