White & Case's New Africa Leader Looks to Leverage Region’s Mining, Energy Opportunities
1 min read
Law.com International interviewed London-based White & Case partner Deji Adegoke on his recent appointment to head of the Firm's Africa Practice.
Commenting on his new role, Adegoke said: "If there's a litigation matter or if there's an M&A transaction, and it involves or relates to Africa, then my job is to facilitate the process internally to make sure that we have the right people on the deals and are actively involved in those deals. So it's a mixture of a coordination role and kind of lead cheerleader."
Adegoke emphasised that the Firm is solidifying its existing relationships and mandates to leverage opportunities in the region, commenting: "The beauty of Africa is that it's a huge continent with vast opportunities. So we're seeing really interesting opportunities in Tanzania. There have been very significant oil and gas discoveries in Tanzania. Similarly, there's some quite significant activity happening in Namibia, which we've been active in the mining and metal space."
The full article is online here (paywall).
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