The 'hydrogen economy' ambition has gathered momentum in recent years with hydrogen touted as the clean molecule the world needs to secure a sustainable energy future. Hydrogen is clean-burning, can be produced from renewable sources of power, and therefore has a promising role to play in the global effort to address the effects of climate change.
Substantial demand-side and supply-side investment is required, supported by proactive government policy and forward-looking regulatory initiatives. White & Case's Global Hydrogen Guide provides an overview of the impressive emergence of hydrogen policy and regulatory initiatives around the world, as well as a snapshot of emerging global hydrogen development activity.
As our Global Hydrogen Guide demonstrates, there is already a groundswell of activity in pursuit of a hydrogen economy by both the public and private sectors around the globe. What is striking is the significant interconnectivity of action and collaboration across regions – the hydrogen economy is a truly, and necessarily, global ambition.
Our Guide seeks to assist in enhancing a broad based understanding of the emerging global market for hydrogen – an ambition to 'see the whole board'.
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This article is prepared for the general information of interested persons. It is not, and does not attempt to be, comprehensive in nature. Due to the general nature of its content, it should not be regarded as legal advice.
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