White & Case's global Economic Sanctions & Export Controls lawyers authored a chapter in Global Investigation Review's (GIR) Guide to Sanctions, covering "Sanctions extraterritoriality and overlapping jurisdictions: new horizons in US, EU and UK law".
This guide provides a pragmatic overview of issues raised by the rapid increase of sanctions regimes and investigations globally.
White & Case's chapter includes discussions of:
- US sanctions measures having extraterritorial effect
- EU and UK blocking regulations
- Targeting sanctions evasion on the periphery of extraterritoriality
- US sanctions targeting third-country financial institutions
- EU and UK expanding sanctions targeted at third country intermediaries
- Rules targeting circumvention through third-country trade
- Multilateral oil price cap
- Preventing evasion of export bans through third countries
- EU's mandatory 'No Russia' clause
- US import and export measures targeting Russia
An extract from the second edition of The Guide to Sanctions. The whole publication is available at Global Investigations Review - The Guide to Sanctions
This publication is provided for your convenience and does not constitute legal advice. This publication is protected by copyright.